“Small chip” play a big role in science and technology help electric car.

For a long time, electric bicycles have been on the verge of management. The problem of disorganized and inaction is outstanding. The cases of robbery of electric bicycles have always been at a high level. Last year, Qingjiang Pu District, the incidence of theft cases of electric vehicles as high as 34.1%, accounting for up to 23.5% of the police force.Because the cracked case, the sale of stolen goods, the successful case of recovery of stolen goods is minimal, the people’s sense of security played a discount. Public Security Bureau Qingjiang Pu Zhang Bo, director of admitting.

This year, Qingjiangpu Branch took the opportunity of deepening public security reform and staring into the forefront of modern security science and technology. On the basis of in-depth research and demonstration, it actively cooperated with technology companies to focus on the long-term and early layout and build an anti-theft tracking system for electric bicycles in the region. Through the promotion and application of technical means, it provides technology and means support for solving cases of robbery and fast detection of the theft of electric vehicles. The system is mainly based on Internet of Things technology, the signal transmitting chip mounted on the electric bicycle, the target vehicle within 200 meters from the base station, the base station will automatically receive signals from the target vehicle chip and record. At present, more than 600 base stations have been installed and received in the region, basically covering the entire area.

In order to reduce the financial burden on ordinary people, the sub-bureau highlighted the public welfare and service of system construction. Based on the full technical demonstration and market research, joint telecom operators and insurance companies promoted this work. In the “voluntary” principle, as long as the people charge the appropriate designated operators to pay the corresponding calls, you can enjoy free electric vehicle robbery track tracking and insurance claims services. At present, as a practical measure for public security reform and benefiting the public, building Qingjiang Pu’s electric vehicle anti-theft tracking system has become one of the key tasks of “Happy Qingjiangpu” and is included in the “Top Ten Huimin Projects” of the district government in 2018.

In order to promote this work in an all-round way, Qingjiangpu Branch mobilized all police forces to deepen the vigilance areas such as shopping malls, communities, village groups and units and widely distributed electric vehicle registration notices and anti-theft tracking chip announcements. At the same time, Station and the region set up more than 60 convenience service points, set up banners, set up tents, more people to provide advice, 24 hours for the masses of electric vehicles free on the card and install anti-theft tracking chip. At the same time, in order to improve the installation efficiency, Branch also launched a race car anti-theft record promotion activities, decomposition tasks, detailed responsibilities to ensure that the fastest anti-theft chip installation and audit coverage of the region. Up to now, a total of more than 14,000 pieces of publicity materials were distributed, a total of more than 3,000 people on the electric car brand and install anti-theft chip.

To make electric vehicle anti-theft tracking system to maximize the effect of Qingjiang Pu branch to deepen the reform of the public security as a fulcrum to the police station, patrol prevention and control brigade as the basis to promote the police force sink, the front force to create a patrol one, Rapid reaction of specialized mobile units, will strike to prevent the tentacles extended to the city’s distal. At the same time, we will step up efforts to build a video monitoring system in the social area and strive to build a “three-line electronic defense line” that covers the control of boundary nodes in the jurisdiction, video relay of main roads, and coverage in key areas. We will strengthen the construction of the frontiers and block the channels for the sale of stolen goods. Electric bicycles and other crimes of life-threatening cases of investigating and prosecuting efforts to resolutely curb the frequent e-bike theft momentum cases.

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